Monday, May 19, 2008

Behold, Jackie's magnificent kitchen

Having us over mid week dearest Jackie was a darling and invited us over for dinner on Saturday of the same week, wooing us with roasted lamb... how could I resist. Peter, Cari and I marched up enticed by the idea of enjoying a delicous home, cooked meal.

Jacks started us off on some nibbles as she called them - they were pretty darn good. Her rock melon wrapped with parma ham was lovely and she had some wonderful Maggie Beer pate and spiced hummus dip. After settling ourselves with a drink we dug in and helped ourselves.

Look at this beauty - what a perfect roast, tied to hold it together and keep all that flavour from oozing out. Jacks skillfully sliced off the thread and sliced up the lamb that was done beautifully, a tender pink on the inside and just slightly crisp on the outside.
Stuffed with pine nuts and delicate herbs the lamb was just aromatic and bursting with a smoky flavour.

Ultra crispy potatoes had Cari in a tizzy, asking for tips on how to get so crispy... I can't reveal them here. Roasted bell peppers and aubergines and Turkish bread made for some great accompaniments.
Amy stole the show again with a wicked Kiwi Key Lime Pie. Unfortunately a little too much gelatin went into this and the top was a little tricky.

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