Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sundays are for experimenting

In the mood for a bit of Sunday brunch I rustled up an omlette with sauteed sliced mushrooms, parsley, brown onions in butter (yes real butter - I haven't cooked with the stuff for months and boy had a forgotten how gorgeous sauteeing with butter smells - and tastes!)

Breaky rolls - lavosh bread filled with pastrami ham slices, the omlette, pepper, salt and some Italian herbs to finish off...

Although I used two eggs in there within a few hours I hit the kitchen again this time in the mood for curry - lately thats what I crave a lot! I think the its the weather!!! When it gets cold all you want is a big bowl of something hot and filling to comfort you - particularly if your companion for the evening is your comforter and the tele!!!

Going extravagent with more butter sauteed onions and diced chicken goes into the pan with a bit of minced garlic and sweet basil paste. I played around with this curry using a ready made Masaman Curry paste which is cheating but I need to do more research and stock up my spice supplies before I attempt one from scratch! So in goes the paste, mushrooms and brocolli.

I diluted a chicken stock cube in half a cup of water and used only 3/4 can of coconut milk because I wanted a thicker gravy rather than curry since I was serving it with hokkien noodles that I am totally hooked on rather than rice. In went a few drops of fish sauce, shredded corriander, dash of soy, lemongrass choppes, kaffir lime leaves.

And the end result was pretty good - stirred through the hokkien noodles and allowed it to simmer over the fire for about two to three minutes to soften and absorb all of that flavourful curry ...

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