Thursday, September 18, 2008

Jadoo at Jackinder's

Once again Jackie played host whipping up a scrumptious Indian dinner for the Gastro Girls.

An ingenious method of preparing biryani in a rice cooker! Jackinder says it's super easy but I never witnessed the process so can't comment.... (you know these fancy chef's make everything seem "easy"! ) the taste however, wonderful!

Papads go into the pan for a quick fry! Crispy ...

Give the biryani a good stir to get the lamb and masalas going! YUMMY!

Spicy Bengan Bartha - Roasted eggplant curry, was super fiery! Cari and Amy absolutely relished it, I too enjoyed it with big dollops of raitha!

Master Chef Amy slices the corriander to absoulte perfection... do you expect any less?

We sit down to our wonderful Indian meal complete with a red embroidered mirror work Rajasthani tablecloth

Here the tandoori chicken and rajma sit beautifully.

The bengan bartha and raitha with papads below.

Jackie makes sure Cari is all comfy before we all sit down to the movie, "What's Cooking?" Directed by another bloody Indian only... Gurinder Chada!

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