Friday, December 12, 2008

Seal of Aproval

Any gastronomic trip down under just cannot be complete without a visit to the Singhs. Jackie and Bob of course invited Sameer over to their home for a finger lickin' barbeque dinner. Bob manned the grill, while Sameer added glitzy charm!
It don't get more Aussie then this eh? Throw another shrimp on the barbie!
Rosemary speared pink shrimp with sea salt on the grill.
An array of meats .. sausages, beefy burgers a` la Sanchez and marinated chicken.
Gone fishing! What else can I say?
Kangaroo fillets at the back and baked juicy red peppers..
Cari's killer burgers topped with swiss cheese and stuffed with blue.. oh la la!
I meant it when I said everything tastes better with bacon. Here's proof: these bad boys topped off with bacon - heaven!

Some veggies to bolster all that meat!
And some fruit and a glass of red to wash all that down!
If Wild berries don't do it for you, no worries, try Expresso Creme, and if that don't tickle your fancy either the Macademia with Caramel will have you screaming with delight!
Thank you for a wonderful meal Jackie! And to all three, Jackie, Amy and Cari, cheers for all that you taught me in this year. I will cherish your friendship always.
And bottom line, the gastro girls seal the deal with their aproval. Sameer you passed the test!

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