Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Creative Concoctions

Entertaining is always fun, especially when there's a twist to spice up the evening. So with and a pitcher or two of crazy cocktails we were set to go wild!
With crudites making the rounds and a platter of prawn sushi these were some of the other intesting appetisers I had on offer.
This is my very own creation, I call it Apple Fairytail.
1 ltr Apple Juice
1 ltr Bacardi White Rum
2 shots of Captain Morgan Gold Spice Rum
2 shots Khahlua
2 Granny Smith Apples with skin, cored, sliced and then pureed
1 1/2 tbsp icing sugar
1 lrg ltbsp vanilla coffee liquor
Grated Nutmeg (1/4)
1 tbsp Cinnamon sugar
2 Star Anise
1 stick of cinnamon broken into two
Mix everything into a big bowl and then shake in a cocktail shaker in batches before straining and pouring out into a jug. Garnish with apple rings.
Beetroot Ravioli stuffed with Garlic Boursin and sprinkled with spring onion. Delish!
After slicing the beetroot paper thin, (or as bloody thin as you can get it without nicking yourself or lobbing off a finger - trust me it is harder than it sounds!) marinate the slices in olive oil with crushed pods of garlic, about 2 large beets to 5 cloves garlic, a good fresh crush of pepper and salt and refridgerate covered for atleast an hour. Later scoop in garlic boursin cream cheese, pin together with toothpicks and arrange tatefully on a plate with a sprinkling of spring onions to add for flavour and presentation! Perfect...

More of the same brilliant beetroot with a Mint Watermelon Cooler also another concotion that was a hit with the guests.
500 ml Gordon's Gin
1 1/2 ltr Chenin Blanc
A generous handful of mint leaves chopped
1 - 2 tsp of ginger finely chopped/ smashed
Juice of 2 whole limes
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
Two medium - large watermelons, flesh scooped, de-seeded and processed in a blender till juiced and then strained to ensure smoothness.
Mix in batches in a cocktail shaker before pouring into a jug. Serve with lots of ice cubes.

Creamy crostini with butter-garlic sauteed mushrooms with olive slices and roasted yellow and red bell peppers with capers.

Main course was Jaime Oliver's Summer Salad, simply spaghetti tossed in Extra Virgin Olive Oil, sliced cherry tomatoes, whole pitted olives, majoram and thyme! Yummy and so simple!
My flopped version of Amy's Lemon Meringue Pie!


  1. Meagan!! This is AMAZING!!!!!! Who ARE you??!!

  2. I'm seriously taking this as the hugest compliment! THANKS!!!!


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