Friday, January 23, 2009

Via Milano

The first time I visited this swanky Italian restaurant was as a journalist for Bangalore Mirror on a wine pairing dinner for Big Banyan Wines. The meal was absolutely sensational, every wine was set off by an astonishing course, and I truly enjoyed my evening, savouring every bite and sip of vino. The Italian chef here cooks from the heart, one can taste the passion in his beetroot ravioli that is probably the most perfect pasta my palate has encountered. The delicate pasta pillow stuffed with minced beetroot and garnished with crisp sweet potato have an unusual meaty characteristic that I can't stop talking or thinking about. This love affair has lived on in my heart and my mind for almost a year and a half, and upon return to Bangalore, I decided I must call the chef to arrange for him to make me this exquisite delight that is not featured on their daily menu unfortunately. Having called only four hours prior to our reservation with my request he set to work immediately and boy was I bowled over once again that evening!

Love at first sight: Beetroot Ravioli
The restaurant boasts an extensive wine list as well as a comprehensive list of cocktails. I especially like their daiquiris, of course I am partial to ultra-sweet-fruity drinks, and their flavoured mojitos are awesome as well. Try the basil mojito for something refreshing!
Beef Carpacio
Perhaps my only grouse with Via Milano is their tendency to be stingy with their imported meats, be it the parma ham appetiser with melon that is delicious but ridiculously portioned. Another example is the pan-seared Canadian duck breast with creamy tagliatelle and asparagus spears. The duck breast was cut into fine strips and the dish barely contained six such pieces, or even fewer! Shocking!
The steaks seem to be the way to go as far as mains are concerned. Sameer wolfed down their lamb loin stuffed with goats cheese and garnished with rosemary.

My friend Manijeh was equally as impressed with the ravioli starter and the choice of restaurant being quite the traveller herself, jet-setting from London to New York frequently. The lemon meringue pie was different. And I say this because the element of lemon zing to the dish was almost non-existent and instead strawberries featured atop the pie as well as a plate decoration. Second of all instead of a pie filling and crust, the slice comprised of heavily whipped cream and the texture was far from hitting the spot as well as the lack of contrasting flavours.

Asha Plaza, 80 ft Road - 100 ft Road junction, 4th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore
Phone 41309997, 41309994

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