Friday, April 24, 2009


This recipe is fabulous – easy, breezy to follow - in know time you will be enjoying a lip smacking light yet luxurious lemon curd dessert that is simply too perfect for words. Try it yourself to see what the fuss is about …

Ingredients: 2 lemons, 70 g unsalted butter, 175 g caster sugar, 3 tbsp plain flour, 185 ml milk, 3 eggs – separated

Method: Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. butter a large oven proof dish (I used ramekins instead). Finely grate the zest of the lemons, then juice them. In a bowl beat the butter with the sugar and the grated lemon zest until pale and creamy. Add the yolks and whisk to combine. Whisk in the sifted flour and milk, adding alternatively to form a smooth batter. Add the lemon juice and stir to ensure it is well combines. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites until they form stiff peaks and lightly fold them through the batter. Pour the mixture into the prepared dish and put the dish into a water bath - large roasting tin filled with enough hot water to reach halfway up the side of the dish. Bake for an hour.

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