Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sleepover at Sellicks Beach

Recently I had the pleasure of dinning at the Hedonistic Hostesses' home, and what an experience it was. Never have I enjoyed such a spectacularly home cooked meal affording the impressive dining aesthetic expected from a contemporary fine dining restaurant. Perfectly plated presentation paired with the wholesome gratification that a sizable, substantial meal delivers is what was served up and every bite was truly relished!

Complete with puree's and garnishes, it was a spectacular dinner. An amuse bouche to tease the palate comprised of fresh figs draped in luxurious prosciutto and stuffed with French blue cheese , splashed with a tad of extra virgin olive oil, baked to oozing perfection. Fantastic. In house vino expert Tim's offered the perfect pairings for each course. The wines names and regions escape me now, perhaps because of the wineage overdose that evening! I do remember sipping a Riesling prior to dinner and then switching to a sparkling Shiraz before opting for a glass of Cab Sav to accompany the meaty main course.

Beetroots freshly dug up from the backyard

About 2 kgs of premium lamb marinated in yoghurt and a combination of light Indian-Moroccan inspired spices including garam masala, saffron, ginger and garlic on a bed of chopped brown onion. Into the tagine an the oven for a good five hours.

Painstakingly prepared the figs were a tantalising dream!

Fish fillets lightly dusted with sumac and flour, seared crisp was served with a dollop of homemade version of remoulade on a bed of cauliflower puree and sliced boiled beetroot - seemingly heady contrasting flavours and textures left me gasping - simply divine - two thumbs up hedonistic hostess!

Fish fillets with remoulade on a bed of cauliflower puree and sliced boiled beetroot
A thick medallion of tender lamb served on a zesty rose-petal, sumac and coriander mograbiah with caramelised onions

Mograbiah is also known as Israeli couscous and is a larger version of regular couscous -simply deliciously chewy.


  1. Hey thanks for writing about our dinner! You have to come again soon :-)


  2. Don't thank me! The pleasure was all mine, am very keen to dine at your place again darling!


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