Saturday, April 4, 2009

Slow Cooked Lamb Shoulder

Ironically putting this dish together takes all of five minutes. The waiting kicks in once you pop your casserole into the oven for at least three to four hours ensure your lamb shoulder is nice and tender, and falling off the bone when you’re ready to serve.
Step 1: Sear off the lamb

Step2: Season and add oil, balasamic and garlic

Sear the lamb shoulder in a heavy based casserole for about 5 minutes and then add a good splash of extra virgin olive oil, about half a cup of good balsamic vinegar, 4 -5 whole pods of garlic with the skin on to allow it to get nice and sweet, a liberal sprinkle of coarse salt flakes and freshly ground pepper and your ready to rock and roll. Simply chuck the casserole into a moderately hot oven and laze in front of the tele!

Served with a side of endives, rocket, Kalamata olives, tomatoes, cucumber and red onion, caramelised onions, gravy rendered from the casserole (de-glazed and modified of course) oven roasted potatoes and ciabata.

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