Friday, June 19, 2009

Udon Noodle Soup with Silken Tofu and Mushrooms

A complete carnivore the very idea of vegetarianism is absurd to me. I simply cannot fathom why anyone in their sane mind would voluntarily sign up to eat nothing but “grass”. While I advocate a balanced diet, and relish my greens, even enjoy foraging for new types and kinds of veggies (and trust me there are so MANY!), I believe veggies are best served as a side complimentary to a meaty main! Eliminating meat altogether – whoa, that's just crazy talk!

Contrary to my carnivorous palate, this is a Japanese soup - delicate and nourishing, enriched with katsuobushi aka bonito flakes or dashi that are dried, smoked flakes of bonito, (a variety of tuna particular to Japan) that resembles wood chips. Silken tofu adds a unique textural dimension, fresh, tender spring veggies contrastingly crisp and thick soba noodles finish the broth adding wholesome satisfaction. The subtle, fresh flavours go well with a tangy or spicy kimchee served on the side.

This recipe is from Ric and Trudy’s website Mediterrasian dedicated to the health benefits of traditional Mediterranean and Asian foodways.

Ingredients: ½ cup sliced dried shiitake mushrooms, or thickly sliced fresh mushrooms; 90g Udon noodles, 5 cups dashi stock (made with dashi stock powder, most convenient); 1½ tablespoons Japanese soy sauce; 1 tablespoon finely grated fresh ginger; 1 carrot—thinly sliced on the diagonal; 1 cup chopped bok choy (optional) ; 6 oz (180g) silken tofu—cut into ½-inch cubes; 1 scallion (spring onion)—thinly sliced on the diagonal

Method: Soak the dried mushrooms in boiling water for around 15 minutes (or use thickly sliced fresh mushrooms instead). Drain and squeeze dry. Cook the noodles in boiling water for 4 minutes, rinse under cold water and drain. Heat the dashi stock in a large saucepan until boiling, then add the soy sauce, ginger, carrot, bok choy, tofu, mushrooms and scallion and cook for 6 minutes. Place equal amounts of the cooked noodles in the bottom of two bowls, and top evenly with the dashi stock, vegetables and tofu.


To make my Cucumber Kimchee click on this link

And if you liked this recipe you may like to try these:

Sweet Pork and Citrus Scallop Dim Sums

Vietnamese Cold Rolls with Nuoc Cham Dipping Sauce

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