Monday, September 21, 2009

Week 8: Seafood: Fish, Molluscs and Crustaceans

Seafood Cleaned and Prepped, ready for cooking

This seafood module went above and beyond simply learning how to cook with seafood, but into the nitty-gritty of how to purchase fresh, quality produce including storage – from freezing to thawing.

Whole Barramundi and Plaice

Fresh South Aussie Oysters with Shucking Knife

Given that Australia is home to a diverse array of sea creatures, as well as fabulous markets where they can be sourced fresh, paired with my adventurous spirit the varieties of seafood we used in the kitchen last week were far from strangers to me.

Seafood Salad with Thai Inspired Sweet-Sour-Chilli Dressing

Barramundi, the quintessential Australian eating fish made several appearances throughout the week – since it is an extremely versatile specimen – a fleshy round, white fish.

Delice of Barramundi with Oysters and Sauce Vin Blanc

Fillet of Barramundi, Prawns doused with Sauce Americana
Salmon, Ling, Leatherjackets, Gummy Shark and Plaice were also used. Apart from fish per say, we got well acquainted with squid, mussels, scallops, prawns and oysters in terms of their culinary uses and applications, learning about their unique tastes and their varying textures that can be induced via particular cooking methods.
Crispy Deep-fried Leatherjackets in robust Thai Green Curry

Fish 'n' Chips with Fries, Garden Greens and Tartar Sauce

Fillet of Australian Salmon with Cucumber Noodles, Carrot and Fennel Stack avec Beurre Blanc
The basic foundation for this one week hands on practical learning session about fish entailed scaling, skinning and filleting a whole fish, that is both flat and round, white and oily flesh fish, depending on the diameters of the fish and the cooking demands, extending to molluscs and crustaceans.

Barramundi, Sauteed Onion, Red Pepper Brochette with Steamed Rice, Crispy Skin and Beurre Blanc

Barramundi Meuniere with Nut Brown Butter Sauce and Lemon Segments


  1. OMG! They all look absolutely delicious. Even the uncooked platter. :)

  2. Thanks guys! Seafood in Australia is such a treat so its not much work making it look and taste fab!


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