Monday, May 12, 2008

Degustation Menu at Shoya

Modern Japanese cuisine at it's finest - Melbournian fine dining restaurant Shoya run by chef and owner Shigeo Nonaka was simply one of my most beautiful experiences. The degustation menu priced at AU$ 120 per head was one I will never forget! Thank you Mario!

To open the meal a tiny piece of perch topped with foie gras and peach was an extraordinary tantalising feast for my palate! Oh boy.. wait till you see the rest of the several courses, you'll be drooling with jealousy!

This assortment of sashimi carefully selected by the chef - salmon, tuna, snapper, sea urchin and caviar was melt in your mouth exqusite! The beauty of this dish lies in the fact that the serving bowl is sculpted out of real ice that maintains the ideal temperature the raw fish should be served at. A bed of lemon squeezed on the ice could be tasted through the fish - a refreshing twist you should definetly try next time you go Japanese!

My first ever sampling of Wagyu/ Kobe beef. This dish was the ultimate fantasy dish, something I have dreamed of for a very, very long time. The experience of tasting the Wagyu Tartar was so moving. The meat has a velvety, smooth texture and the flavour is so subtle yet the unique smooth texture you know you are eating something truly royal. The ribbon like feel reminds me most of eating roast beef tongue made by my mother - tender and just ridiculously soft - you wouldn't need teeth to eat it! Now more about how it was served up - A piece of fresh wagyu beef chopped finely, which was marinated with sweet Soya sauce topped with special egg plant miso paste. These delicate crab claws came out of the claw so easily and the meat was ever so sweet. With the light tempura batter the real taste of the flesh was allowed to come through.
Swordfish wrapped in seaweed with a monk fish liver sauce on top - this was dish was magnificent. The fish was firm while the monk fish was silky smooth and provided a suitable contrast. The flavours so delicate created a perfect combination, neither overwhelming the other, complementing in textures and flavour.

Over 500 day grain fed Wagyu beef steak was cooked up rare - just the way I love it. An array of dipping sauces and fried rice and miso soup accompanied.

Mildly flavoured chocolate mousse and a strangely flavoured Panacotta that was not my favourite thing on the menu, despite it's impeccible and even pretty appearance!

Shoya Nouvelle Wafu Cuisine on Urbanspoon

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