Monday, May 12, 2008

Melbourne in a Flash

My first Melbournian meal was a souvlaki after a night of crazy drinking and seeing the city by night... here goes:

My midsemester break allowed me to explore Melbourne's food culture. I fell in love with Hardware lane and the little Causeway St. that were perfect for sipping on hot lattes and enjoying platefulls of delish food under the heaters of the street cafes. I would ride the train in with my cousin Becky early in the a.m and roam the streets finding comfort food to indulge in reading Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential in between taking in the sights and sounds of Oz Lands bustling city life. My first day I had two breakfasts, a double whopping serving of beautiful eggs sunny side up on toast with bacon, hmmmm! And then I tried a croissant with vanilla creme and berry compote - the almond croissant I had the next day was in a league of it's own though!!! HEAVEN baby!

A little bit of lunch to break up my breakfasting of the morning. A mint-yoghurt lamb salad with rocket and melon.

At St. Kilda's I visited Soul Mama, a veggie restaurant with my old school mate Taras. I tried the affagato which was perfect on that chilly day with the sun peaking out from behind the clouds!

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