Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Day 2: Monster clubbin' on friday

We woke up midday after the late night thursday hip hop session. The tram stop is barely a two minute walk from Divya's place in East Brunswick where I was bunking. Div's had class and Anita had to shift around class schedules, I tagged along. At about 4.00 p.m. our tummies began to grumble so we headed over to Lygon Street for something sweet...

The little cafe's and restaurant's all along the road are really welcoming. This one had a fireplace so we nipped in from the constant drizzle to get into warmer spirits!
We ordered the Lemon Meringue Pie that was dusted with icing sugar and served with delcious lemon creme. Absolute heaven!
Gosh, my bag is so damn heavy, can barely pick it up!

We went home to shower and get glammed up for another night on the town. This time we explored Fitzroy Street and Brunswick areas nightlife. The NightCat was the first joint we went to were we sipped on Frangelico with lemonade, a nice way to start the evening. This Aussie bloke just had to pop into the photo?!
After the live salsa band with African influences had worn its effect off on us we headed down the street to another club - this one featured a British hip-hop duet that sucked! After paying $10 entry we grabbed a couple more drinks before heading to CQ in the city on to be hasseled with strict dresscodes that did not allow most of the boys that were with us to enter!!! Sucked big time. FInally we hit up a club further down Elizabeth Street and had a great night out!

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