Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Day 3: Exploring Chinatown

The best part about vacation is waking up late, relaxing in bed, eating good food, drinking delicious wine, partying all night long and then doing it all over again! Saturday for me started off with breakfast at noon with the girls at Natural Tucker Bakery, a five minute walk from Divya's place.

The best way to start any day - a hot latte!

The bakery specialises in sourdough bread so it was only natural we all ordered our choice of eggs (scrambled and poached) with their specilaity staple.

After a hearty brekkie we rugged up and headed into the city just about an hour before most shops close (5.00 p.m.) and lucky for us Supre which was on mega sales was open late!

Like my new pink beanie?

After a two hour shopping spree we were all desperately hungry and headed straight in the direction on Chinatown pursuing my craving for Peking Duck... I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the restaurant we dined at - I do recall I choose the place because they displayed the duck and roast pork hanging in the window. There is a bottle shop about two stores ahead on the right, where I grabbed a bottle of Scissor, Paper, Stone Moscato to start us off! There was a wait to be seated at the restaurant and about twenty minutes later we were seated and I was ready to order having studied their take away menu carefully.

Happy Me, Peking Duck and Plum Sauce in hand!

Probably the worst dim sum I have ever eaten (left) some pretty dash good duck (although sliced thicked than I'm used to) and some delicious scallops with spring onion and carrot. In the far right corner is a plate of steamed greens that the girls really relished. I was too busy with the pork, duck and scallops to bother with anything leafy or green. I was so excited about the meal I missed out on photography the pork ribs! OOps..

Thoroughly satisfied we sipped on our wine!

On a full belly of Chinese food we dressed in a flash popped a bottle of sparkling shiraz on the tram on the way to the city.

We partyed the night away at swanky nightclub Watermark at the Docklands - the best hip hop you could have asked for. By 4 in the morning I was being dragged out of here...

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