Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Day 4: Sunday Cookoff

Divya and me woke up just in time to make it to 10.30 a.m. mass at the Catholic Church down her road. Boy were we tired but we had plans to visit Victoria Market and wanted to get a head start on our day instead of wasting it in bed. After church however Divya's Italian landlady had prepared a homemade lasagna and slivers of marinated steak with roasted pumpkin and potatoes. When she invited us to join in the meal with her, how could I possible refuse. Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of the meal!
As for Vic Market, we finally rocked up about 40 minutes before they closed and I rushed around the market like a chicken with it's head chopped off dashing from the seafood counter picking up fresh prawns with the shell on to the fresh veggie section, on the way picking up some gourmet Aussie cheese to enjoy with some wine while we cooked that evening. In all the chaos pictures were the last thing on my mind!
At Suhail's marvellous apartment opposite the Crown - it doesn't get more central than this baby! Some of his freinds joined us for dinner with a bottle of red that went well with the Tasmanian Blue Cheese that was a hit with one and all. The creamy texture and charachteristic mature taste had this ash like quality to it. Lovely! We also had a mild cheddar and a creamy Brie from Key Island.

Chefs at work with Divya the sous chef in the middle!

Suhail had several accompaniments in the oven - some wonderfully buttery asparagus spears, roasted baby potatoes, beautifully trimmed and peeled baby carrots and brocolli.

The rice and garlic bread were to go with the elaborately prepared lamb shanks.

Take a look at this beauty. Slow cooked for five hours at medium - low temperature it was simply gorgeous. Cheers Suhail!
Cooked to perfection!

Suhail whipped up some salmon in an Asian soy based caremlised sauce charring the fillets on a skillet with lemon slices. This was for one of the guests that did not eat meat. And below a steamy picture of my Thai Red Curry.

And to end on a sweet note of course - Sticky Date Pudding with Vanilla Ice Cream. I am one happy trooper!

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