Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Penang Hawker

Perfect for a quick lunch serving up Malay favourites of course! The duck with noodles is pretty good and less oily than some of the other dishes, and it comes served with bok-choy and a plain broth.
One can also pick from BBQ/ roast chicken and duck from under the lights of the aluminium counter and have it served with rice or noodles, but since all dishes are prices at about $10 I would suggest opting for one of the hot servings the put together.
The Char Kuey Teow while perhaps the best I've tasted in the city was really greasy and did not have my tummy in the best of moods about an hour later!

The duck soup with succulent meat and crisped skin however was a really delicate dish, infused with ginger and corriander - worth a trip back!

Penang Hawkers Corner on Urbanspoon

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