Friday, December 12, 2008

Cheese Fest at Rymill Park

One of Adelaide's first Summery Sunday's Cari and I made our way to Rymill Park to take a break from our final pending paper to enjoy some stinky old cheese!
A range of landmark Aussie cheesemakers such as Tasmanian Heritage, Murray Valley and Woodside Cheese Wrights put their varities of cheese on display for sampling and purchase.
Spoilt for choice...

And with blue skies, sunshine and festive cheer it made for the perfect relaxing Sunday!
Millie's boutique bakery had an enchanting stall with olive oil and dukkah tastings as well as some delightful macadamia biscuits.

A glass of Rose` from Whistler's to wash down all that fromage

Cari in absolute bliss...

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