Friday, December 12, 2008

Dinner & Sleepover

We're cracking out the good stuff: silver candlebras, cutlery and delicate crockery!
With friends like these and a feast to look forward to, there really is something to smile about...
Jackie whips up a beautiful entree : salmon served on a green leafy salad with gorgeous ripe avoacado and asparagus spears, and finally dotted with a generous heap of caviar.

And responsible for the main course was none other than moi. Cooking from my newly accquired cookbook: Julia's Mastering the Art of French Cooking given to me by Cari on my birthday, I boldly decided to try Boeuf Bourguignon.
Alas, after several hours of painstakingly chopping, stewing, mixing, heating, transfering from polonged heat on the stove into the oven, seperately caramelising onions and sauteeing mushrooms... Voila, the labour of my love, a delish beef stew if I may say so myself!
Pastry chef Amy had dessert under control.
Calm and cool she impressed us all with her amazing lemon meringue pie with lime sorbet! The perfect match! Amy you are a genius!
But this story does NOT end here. After several cups of hot tea, conversation with my girlfreinds, we all snuggled into warm beds at Jackies beautiful Norwood home. I woke up Sunday morning to the most scrumptious brekkie I have had in a long, long time.

Eggs, check.
Major multi-tasking going on. Amy, you go girl!
The most perfect omlette. There you go Elizabeth David!
Need I say more?! Bliss... Absolute bliss!

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